Water, Waste water, Soil, Food & Feed, Research  reception time:Saturday to Thursday 9:00-13:30 and 17:00-19:30  ISO/IEC 17025:2005  ISO 9001:2008   



In 1999, Dr.Miraalami life science laboratory was established in the context of a research center and laboratory which provide international standard facilities and modern technology in the field of veterinary medicine, water, wastewater, soil and food by utilizing the services of qualified experts. Providing accurate results quickly and accurately was originally intended and has always been observed. Samples sent to the laboratory in the shortest possible time be tested and results will be announced to the applicants.

All sections have been managed under the supervision of the Specialist and Experiments are done by experts of relevant section. Internal and external quality control operations are done periodically by the responsible of laboratory .as well, unknown samples regularly are tested and the results are carefully evaluated.

Performance of the center has been controlled through unknown samples by various regulatory agencies such as Ministry of Agriculture, Veterinary Organization, Environmental Protection Agency and etc.

All methods are adapted from veterinary standards organization, Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of Iran, Iran F.D.O. ministry of health, Standard method, ASTM, AOAC, WHO, OIE and are constantly being updated.

Our staff and department directors periodically participate in training courses and seminars and congress to get updated. The center honored to work with professors and counselors qualified professionals inside and outside the country.

Gathering of mentioned technologists and professionals and providing modern equipments and methods in this center should be regarded as an effective attempt in improving hygiene and health in the society and a help to more usage of agricultural & natural resources and protection of our environment.